Monday, August 23, 2010

Space Video Projects. The Mediation of Experience

26˚ 12'19".15"S ; 28˚ 2'30'20"E. Spier Contemporary. 2010 
26˚ 12'19".15"S ; 28˚ 2'30'20"E. Live Video feed from Johannesburg to Cape Town. Phillip Raiford Johnson. 2010

Plan B. /+\= X at Serialworks. 2010

Plan B. Skype live video installation. Rodan Kane Hart & Phillip Raiford Johnson. 2010

Space Video Project. Wits University. 2009

Space Video Project. Blue Still Duration: 2:38. Rodan Kane Hart 2009
Space Video Project. Red Still Duration: 2:38. Rodan Kane Hart 2009
Space Video Project. 32 Stills at 5 second intervals. Rodan Kane Hart 2009

Corporeal and Incorporeal

                                                                                    Clearance, Course, Duration, Expanse,          
                                                                            Play, Scope, Span,
                                                               Stretch, Sweep, The Universe,
                                    The Galaxy, The Solar System, Time, Tract, Volume, apply to these  
             mediums, furthermore, do these words apply to the notion of documentation, of mediation? Can the incorporeal ever exist in the realm of art production? Olafur Eliasson stated that; “The sense of time that I work with is of a ‘now’…there is only a ‘now’…our belief in time is just a construct”. Where Eliasson explores experientialism regarding human perception in relation to site specificity, I aimed to explore the hypothesis of productions coequal, documentation and its association to the audience.

The space video project initially set out to investigate the multiplicities of emotional perception within a specific architectural space by creating subtle visual metamorphoses with the utilization of light, colour and objects. The question of the audience, spectators, viewers, onlookers, patrons, crowd, throng, congregation, house and gallery, arose. How does one undertake conveying these immediate experiential visualizations and feelings through video as a medium, video that an audience will never see? Is the Internet the principal receptacle of information, and its dissemination? A downloadable video, on youtube, metacafe, guba, google, ubu or a live feed over Skype, etc, yet how would external variables, place, time, light, atmosphere and sound, impact the reception and interpretation of the video as an experience? These discrepancies between the tangible and intangible, the corporeal and the incorporeal, the first hand experience and the second hand become aspects of presenting experiences within themselves. Each shift and change between the layers of visually articulating virtual space and physical space are as integral and legitimate as the initial gesture of art as an immediate experience.  

Rodan Kane Hart

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